Well Brandon is now 11 weeks old and changing so much everyday. It is so fun to play with him. He LOVES his bouncy seat, it has little hanging animals from it and he has now figured out if he punches his fists forward he can hit the animals and make them swing back and forth. It makes him smile so big. he is just sort of starting to notice his hands more too. Every once and a while he will punch his fists upwards then notice his hand and just stare at it for a min or so. Its cute.
We had a great weekend. Uncle Andy and Aunt Lynn came to town so Brandon and I got to go out to lunch with the family on saturday. Then on sunday morning we all had breakfast at Grandma D's. Brandon is noramlly such a good boy but was a bit fussy at Grandmas on sunday. Uncle Andy and Aunt Lynn both got a chance to hold B again. However, he started crying too quickly, which made them hand him over. ha ha.. It takes a lot of time to get used to calming a crying baby.
Jason is out Fishing this morning with his buddy Steve. It is supposed to rain today so hopefully they dont get rained on.
Today is also the Twins Home Opener. We are gonna sit back and enjoy some Baseball this afernoon. We can't wait till the day we can go see the new Twins Field and see a game outdoors.
I went through B's Clothes the other day, he is growing out of everything so quickly. He is now wearing still some 0-3 month stuff but now he fits also into his 3-6 month stuff. It is fun to have a new choice of wardrob though every 3 or so months.
We are really looking forward to our Florida vacation in 3 weeks. We are headed to Ft. Myers with my parents and Matt and Lindsey. It is gonna be so fun. I am a bit nervous to leave B for about a week but I know Grandma S is VERY excited for him to spend some time in Aberdeen with them. So Jason and I plan on starting to Tan this week so we can be all ready to go. Can't wait.
Well I think that's about all for now. Talk to you all later..