Brandon and Mommy

Brandon and Mommy

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

19 Months old

I know it's been a while since I posted anything. We have been busy. So B is now 19 months old. He is learning so much each and everyday. He is starting to say more and more words.. here are a few he knows and uses quite often.

Uh Oh

He can say others too but doesn't usually say them in the right way. Like he will say mama but he points to himself. He's doing pretty good though.

Brandon is also growing like a weed. At his 18 month appointment he was 26.5 lbs which is just about average. He is in the 80 percentile for height too. So as of right now he is a tall boy with a big head. Ha ha..
He is still a super picky eater. He has about 5 or so go to meals that he loves but other than that he isn't really much into trying new foods. He sure does love his milk though. He could sit and drink two sippy cups full of milk at each meal.
B has been having a fun summer swimming in the pools at our friends houses (just kiddy pools) and playing outside. We actually just had a playmate with my cousins today and Brandon got to have his first ice cream cone after lunch. He loved it of course.

I am going to have a schedule change starting in September so I will be going back to the night shift. 2-10pm. I am not very excited about it but I am excited to spend the mornings with Brandon and some mornings with Jason too. So we'll make the best of it until the spring when my schedule will change again.

That is all for now. Hope you enjoyed.

The Sandmeiers