Well, I know it's been a long time since I posted on here. So This is what's new with us...
For me, I just had Surgery about a week ago to have my Bunion fixed on my right foot. So They Shaved the bunion off the bone and broke my bones in my big toe and the one next to it and realigned them and put pins in them so they stay in place. So I have been on crutches for the last week (not fun, or easy for that matter). I have been doing my exercises the doc gave me to strengthen up the joint to my big toe. It is still swollen and black and blue, (not a pretty sight). I really just wish I could put some weight on it. Now that Jason is back at work it is really hard to do things for myself. Even though I try. Luckily Grandma and Grandpa Sandmeier were in town for my surgery so they were able to help out with Brandon for the first few days, then they took him to SD so I could have some time to relax. Plus I couldn't take care of him by myself right now anyway. Jason and I are heading to SD tomorrow to spend the week with the family for Thanksgiving. We are so excited to have more than just a few quick days in Aberdeen, THis time we have monday-Friday to spend with friends and family.
Jason is doing his first Flight Deck Ride Along today. He is flying to New York and back in the cockpit of the Delta Aircraft with the pilots. This is so the Pilots can ask the Air Traffic Controller questions and vise versa, so they both can get better ideas of what each job entails. He was very excited about this trip and I am excited to hear how it went when he gets home.
Brandon is learning so much each day. It amazes me all the new words he can say each day. He really is starting to repeat everything so it's time to watch what we say I guess. ha ha.. Right now his favorite things to say is "What's that?" he asks that question a million times a day. He also loves to say "oh, there he is" when he is looking for something or someone. He says a million other things but those are by far his favorite. He also is getting pretty good at grabbing his butt and saying "poop" when of course he has pooped.
Brandon will be 22 months old tomorrow. I can't believe it is almost his 2nd Birthday already. We are probably just going to throw a little party.
He also is getting very independent. I guess he always has been in a way. But now he can put on his shoes on his own, which he wants to do all day long. When it's time for a snack I will say "do you want some raisins?' he replies, "um, no" then I will ask, "do you want some Teddy Grahams?" he replies. "um, no" and we go through this until I pick out something he really wants then he says "YEAH" but the way he says yeah is like he's saying. "Oh my gosh,yeah, what a great idea" It's funny!
Not too much else is new here. I am going to be out of work at least until after christmas and depending how well my foot is healing maybe longer. Who knows. I guess that's all for now. Until next time!
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7 years ago