So tomorrow (thursday) Brandon will be six weeks old. Man o man how time flys. He is becoming such a big boy. We are finally somewhat starting to get on more of a schedule around here. I dont feel quite as overwelmed as I did the first few weeks.
Brandon has started smiling this week, he did it one day and the next day he did it almost everytime we smiled at him. Now he loves smiling. He is cooing too.. although most of the time his coo is saying AHHH really loud.. ha ha.. i say oooohh to him and he mimicks my mouth shape some of the time and sometimes even says ooohh too. Its Precious.
He is pretty good at holding his head up but still a bit wobbly. We like to put him on his tummy for a little bit each day so that he can get used to holding his head up. He hasnt quite got the hang of it though. He does way better when we sit him up in a sitting positing.
He is eating up to 3oz a time now every 2-3 hours now. He is getting better at sleeping too. He now sleeps normally around 3-3.5 hours at a time. However he still has a few spells where he likes to wake up every 20 min or so and talk. I have figured out I just turn the monitor off and go back to sleep cuz sometimes he just wakes up and coos and ahhh's in his crib for an hour. So I let him talk away to his little Einstein Aquariam that is hooked to his crib. Maybe he is making friends with the Fish in there. ha ha.. who knows.
I had my six week appointment today. All went pretty good. The doc says man you can't even tell you had a baby...! I said >> HA HA HA YA RIGHT! ha ha.. I am down 30lbs now.. so that is good. Still my clothes are pretty tight, but the doc gave me the go ahead on working out. So in my last issue of Fit Pregnancy Magazine it showed me about 5 different exersises to do every other day to shape up and fit in to my jeans again. So I started taht today too. The only bad part about my doc appointment today is they did some x-rays on my Bottom because I still have a ton of pain there. They found out When Brandon Pushed (or ripped) his way through the Birth Canal his Big head broke my tailbone. ha ha.. (not really funny cuz it hurts) But yeah, his head hit the tip of my tailbone and broke the tip right off. The Doctor says the tip of it is pretty much just floating around in there.. hmmm... But the worst part is there is nothing they can do for a Broken tailbone, Just takes time to heal. It could be all healed up anywhere from 2 weeks to 3 or 4 months from now. ahahhhh.. It isn't fun. The worst part is sitting. Mostly when i sit in the cars. The seats in the cars must be at a different enough angle that it kills my bum. So I think at this point a car trip to Aberdeen is out of the question. Right after I had him I made a car trip to Aberdeen however I was on pain Killers then so it didn't bother me.
So we did have a challange this week with my work. I was originally supposed to go back to work on April 19th, then I asked my supervisor if i could extend my leave and they approved the extention until May 19th. So all was good. I was really really looking forward to spending the extra time with Brandon here at home and not have him start daycare quite yet. BUT this week I got an e-mail from my Manager saying that work is crazy busy and everyone that is out on a temporary leave has to come back to work on March 13th. Since I technically didn't take a maternity leave, i just took this leave of absense they were offering everyone at the company at the time they technically can call us back whenever they need the help. SO... THAT SUCKS. However, since I did have a baby while I was on this leave, they approved me to use some FMLA (Family Medical Leave of Absense) for an additional 5 weeks if I wanted to.. HOWEVER it would all be unpaid. So we have decided that I would use up my sick time (40 hours) and then I would take and additional week and a half of unpaid time and go back to work on March 31st. I really wish I could stay out longer just because I was expecting to be able to this whole time. However that didn't work out. Now I just need to focus on loosing more weight so I can actually fit into my work uniform.. argg...
I will post some pics here of Brandon. I haven't loaded the newer ones onto the computer yet so I might have to do some later on too.
I think that is all with us for now. Jason is doing good too.. Working hard as usual. He did get checked out on another Sector last week so he now only has one more to finish then he will be a Fully Certified Controller. $$ We can't wait $$ ha ha..
Bye Bye now
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7 years ago
1 comment:
Way to go on the thirty pounds that is awesome. Sorry about the tail bone though that really is a bummer. Glad to here the rest of your boys are doing well. Talk to you soon. Thanks for the update!
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