Brandon and Mommy

Brandon and Mommy

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Well, everything here is going great. Brandon is amazing us each and everyday with what he can do and the new things he learns. This week he has mastered waving. Anytime anyone says HI or BYE he waves. It's so stinking cute. He loves to blow kisses and also claps anytime anyone says yay, or if anyone else claps.

We got his first conference form back from daycare. They had LOTS of great things to say about him. Here are a few of the nice things they said...
-Brandon is very comfortable interacting with new people and new situations.
-He enjoys being around and playing with other children.
-He is developing the realization that familiar objets can be used in conventional ways.
-Continues to develop the ability to pull himself to standing.

and many more.

Brandon has for sure gotten down the pulling himself to standing thing by now. He pulls himself up on EVERYTHING. The couch, the chairs, the rocker, the stairs, tv trays.... Lots of things he isn't supposed to but we are working on letting him know which items are ok and which are not safe.

He crawls around very quick now. Sometimes it amazes me how fast he can follow us to another room or get into something he shouldn't be. We definitely have our hands full now. We have to literally watch him every second.

We are planning a trip to Aberdeen next week to visit all of our family in SD. I hope we can see everyone with this short trip. At this point we are hoping the weather is going to be good enough for us to travel in so we can get there safely and not have to cancel yet another trip. We will celebrate Christmas there and then come home and work a bit and then celebrate Christmas here as well with Grandma and Grandpa D.

I guess that's all for now. We are headed to the mall of america once again today to finish up some Christmas shopping and to have some lunch. Brandon loves strolling in his stroller at the mall and watching all the things go by.

We are very excited for Brandon to celebrate his first Christmas. We will for sure post lots of pictures of him opening his gifts up later on. We hope everyone has a safe and happy Christmas.

The Sandmeiers

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