Brandon and Mommy

Brandon and Mommy

Monday, January 3, 2011

Holidays are over

Well, it's already 2011, I can't believe it.. But man are we excited to have the holidays over with. As fun as they were, we are exhausted. Brandon had a really great 1st Christmas. We did end up going to SD for a few days, Brandon got lots of new toys and presents there. He loves playing with all his new things.

We went to Grandma and Grandpa D's on Christmas eve evening and Christmas day evening to celebrate with the family. Of course Jason and I still had to work so we didn't stay too long each day.

Brandon got a new push toy for Christmas and at first he really wasn't sure how to use it. But after showing him how a few times he grabs it and walks it all around the living room now. Well until he runs into something then we have to turn him around. I think he is gonna get this walking thing down sooner than later.

Now I am getting ready for a quick trip to Vegas for my cousin Ashley's 21st birthday. It should be a fun trip.

Then we are having B's 1st Birthday party. It is gonna be crowded as heck in our place but that's ok. We'll make it work.

Brandon is even getting moved up into the 'older infants' room at daycare, they are getting soo many new babies starting they had to move some of the older infants into another room. But he gets to move to that new room with a few other kids he is in the same room with now so there will be some familiar faces for him. I think he will do so good in there. He will get to play with bigger kid toys and learn so much more. He really seems to like daycare.

Enjoy the new pics as well..


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